We recommend you follow an approximate timetable like this to ensure that you have everything organized and you are prepared for the exam in good time.
There is also a detailed timetable available in the official foundation programme handbook which you should read carefully.
There is also a detailed timetable available in the official foundation programme handbook which you should read carefully.
Mid September September 29 October 6-17 October 28 November December 5 January 9 |
You should...
Start researching the Foundation application, read what we say on this site, and read the Applicants Handbook found on the Official Foundation Programme website. Choose and approach your referees. Register with the Foundation Programme site and confirm you are an eligible applicant. Once you have done this you can confirm your medical decile - if you think they have it wrong contact your own medical school urgently. Complete your foundation application - we recommend a focused weekend or couple of evenings to do this, rather than spreading it out, and aim to finish early. Deadline is noon on 17th Oct, when the site is liable to have a high demand. Submit on the 17th or ideally before to avoid any last minute issues. They won't accept any excuse for late submissions, so double check that you have submitted correctly. Make sure you are completely happy with your form before you submit, as there's no going back. Your educational achievement score is published. Take the practice SJT that the medical school council has supplied http://sjt.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/ . This gives you an excellent idea of the type and style of question you can be asked. It's definitely a good idea to practice more questions, although, the official advice is that you can't prepare for this type of exam - we're not convinced of this ourselves. The GPs among us certainly noticed an improvement in their scores with practice. Visit the SJT Question Bank via the link below. 1st Situational Judgement Test - check your time and venue carefully. 2nd Situational Judgement Test - check your time and venue carefully. NB You must check the detailed timetable in the handbook to double check these dates in case they change . |